Green Hills First Federation


Parents have been extremely supportive of our fundraising efforts over the years and have raised thousands of pounds for school for which we are very grateful.

Keep an eye out for our newsletters for information about our fundraising events and also how we spend the money you so kindly raise. 

If you have any fundraising ideas or if you would like to help with any of the planned events, please do not hesitate to speak to a member of the PTA.

Thank you as always for your support with our fundraising efforts.


How many times a week do we all purchase goods and services, insurance and other items online? Imagine if every time you made an online purchase your child's school received a commission towards their fundraising! Well, the good news is we can!

Simply click on the easyfundraising logo above which will take you to our school 'good cause'.

Complete the registration online and then simply log on to Easy Fundraising each time you order goods online, search for the retailer and Easy Fundraising will direct you to the site and will track any purchases so that our school receives a commission. Easy! Last year this raised £246 towards PTA funds.

A huge number of online retailers are signed up to the scheme. Take a look!

We recommend that you make the Easy Fundraising page your home page on your browser.


Simply click on the school lottery logo above to register for our exciting new school lottery. A member of our lottery is guaranteed to win a prize each month and each entry will have a chance to win the national prize of £25000!! Good luck!

Last year this easy to use fundraiser earned £331 which will be used to provide the little extras in school.

Check out STAMPTASTIC - the fast and easy way to label all your children's school items including clothes, shoes, trainers, equipment and much more!

School receives 30% cashback for all orders placed via the website - simply click on the logo above.